The National Fitness Day has been Designated by the Ministry of Youth and Sports to celebrate the power of physical fitness and to sensitize the citizens to adopt better health lifestyles, to improve their health through physical and mental exercise.
Consequently, the Sefwi Wiawso Municipal Assembly, in collaboration with the Western North Regional Coordinating Council, celebrated this Day on Saturday, 10th September, 2022 at Sefwi Wiawso.
The Fitness Day Celebration took off at exactly 5:30 a.m. with health walk through Dwinase township and was climaxed with aerobics at the Glisten Park.
As part of the celebration, all Labour Unions, Security Services, Students /Cadet Corps, Keep Fit Clubs, Sports Associations and Staff of all Public Service Institutions in the Sefwi Wiawso, the Regional Capital, were invited to this august occasion.
This Day has been chosen to be observed in all the MMDAs across the Country on the 2nd Saturday of every month.